What are the Facebook optimization logics that can explode?

Optimizing Facebook ads requires careful observation and analysis of multiple indicators, so as to adjust the strategy to achieve the best results. The following is the optimization logic and strategy, which is divided into different stages and steps

1.Observe and analyze indicators

Core performance indicators: cost per contact, cost per Apply Now

Auxiliary indicators:
Spend, Cost per Link Click (CPC), Click-Through Rate (CTR), Cost per Mille (CPM)

Optimization conditions:

  • If the ad costs $2-5 and has no results, and the CPC is greater than $1, the ad can be paused and optimized.
  • If the ad costs $2-5 and has no results, and the CPM is greater than $30, the ad can be paused and optimized.
  • If the ad costs $2-5 and has no results, and the CTR is less than 2%, the ad can be paused and the material can be optimized.

2.Basic optimization principles

Keep a single variable change:

  • Only change one variable (copy, material or audience) at a time, and keep the others unchanged.
  • Select only one audience at a time. If you select multiple, use multiple ad groups to distinguish them.

Testing period:

  • Test copy: series budget-daily budget
  • Test material: series budget-daily budget
  • Test audience: ad group budget
    ✨When you find an element with good performance during the test, you can take it out separately and test other indicators. For example, if you find that a certain material performs well, you can test more other audiences.

3.Expansion period strategy

Copy successful campaigns: Find a series that performs well, copy multiple identical ad groups, and increase the series budget for delivery. Turn off the ad groups that perform poorly.

Deliver the original post: When the post performs well, when delivering a new series or ad group, you can directly select the original post to deliver. Find the post number, then copy the series and search for the post using the post number.

4.Timely management of ad comments

Track negative and positive reviews: Timely remind and track negative and positive reviews of ad posts.

Delete the homepage review module: Remind customers to delete the homepage review module in time.

Increase interaction: Remind customers to invite others to like and comment on the post to increase subsequent customer conversion.

5.Place interactive ads

Hot posts: Good materials can be used to place interactive ads on posts to heat up the posts.

Test unstable ads: If a series with good results is tested, but the performance is unstable, you can try to use the original posts to place post engagement ads to help the system recommend traffic.

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