Reasons for Google Ads Account Suspension and Recovery Steps

When placing Google Ads, having your account suspended is an experience no advertiser wants to face. However, if you’re trying to identify the reason behind your account suspension, this guide can help.

What Happens When Your Google Ads Account is Suspended?

When a Google Ads account is suspended, all ads stop running. The suspension affects all ads, regardless of whether they violated policies.

How Does Google Suspend Accounts?

Google is committed to providing the best user experience and wants to ensure consumers only see appropriate and safe ads. Google has set conditions and policies that all ads must follow, resulting in many accounts being suspended due to policy violations.

Prohibited Content:

Google does not allow advertisers to use certain content on its platform. This includes illegal products and services, dangerous items, counterfeit goods, and any content that supports illegal activities or causes harm to others. Discriminatory or hate-inciting content is also prohibited.

Prohibited Practices:

This category refers to actions that aim to deceive or manipulate consumers, such as hiding or redirecting users to a temporary landing page. Your ads must match the content on your website or landing page; otherwise, Google may consider it misrepresentation.

Restricted Content and Features:

Some content is not universally accepted or may be heavily regulated. This includes topics like drugs, adult entertainment, and gambling. Political content, such as campaign ads or advocacy, also falls under restricted content.

Why Was My Google Ads Account Suspended?

Understanding the common reasons for suspension can help clarify why your account was suspended:

  1. Hacked Website:
    If your site, landing page, or app contains malware or misleading content, it may pose a risk to users. In most cases, site owners are unaware of the malware, making this one of the most common suspension reasons.
  2. Misrepresentation:
  • Circumventing Systems: If Google detects suspicious or misleading content in your account, activity, or click trackers, your account could be suspended for circumventing the system. This includes ads being repeatedly disapproved or multiple policy violations.
  • Deceptive Behavior: If your content involves sensitive topics like social issues or politics, you must clearly identify yourself. Failure to do so could result in suspension.
  • Trademark Infringement: Using another brand’s trademarks or logos may lead to suspension if Google perceives you as selling counterfeit goods.
  1. Prohibited Practices:
  • Selling Drugs: Prescription drugs are strictly regulated. Selling them without a license or in unapproved areas will result in account suspension.
  • Violation of Local Laws: Ads must comply with local regulations. For example, ads promoting paternity tests are not allowed in the UK.
  • Other Unacceptable Practices: Misleading users by collecting their personal or financial information in deceptive ways can result in suspension.
  1. Payment Issues:
  • Unpaid Balance: A single payment failure can lead to suspension.
  • Abuse of Promotional Codes: Repeatedly using or selling Google Ads promotional codes violates policy.
  • Refund Requests: Asking your bank to reverse a payment will also result in suspension.
  • Suspicious Payment Activity: If Google suspects your credit card is stolen, your account may be flagged and suspended.

How to Restore a Suspended Google Ads Account?

Google will send an email explaining the reason for the suspension and how to resolve it. The following steps can help recover your suspended account:

  1. Fix the Problem:
  • For rejected ads, go to your ad and check the status column for the suspension reason. Hover over the disapproval status to view the policy explanation, then edit the ad to comply with Google’s policies and save the changes.
  1. Resolve Payment Issues:
    Ensure there are no suspicious transactions in your account.
  2. Submit an Appeal:
  • If you can’t identify the violation, you can appeal directly to Google by following these steps:
    • Find the reason for the suspension from Google’s notification.
    • Submit your appeal through the Google Ads suspension appeal form or by emailing with supporting evidence like emails or screenshots.


  • Can I create a new Google Ads account after suspension?
    No, opening a new account for the same entity is against Google’s policies.
  • How long does a suspension last?
    Google typically takes around two business days to review suspension appeals.
  • Are there any fees associated with suspended Google Ads accounts?
    No, there are no fees related to account suspension.

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